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The Power of Probiotics!

Before we dive into what probiotics are specifically, it is crucial to understand the
importance of your gut health. Your gut is at the center of your health, literally and
figuratively! Everything you eat and drink, the medications and supplements you take, and exposures from your environment get processed through your gut. You also have trillions of bacteria that take up residence within your gut. Now, most people hear bacteria and think they are all bad, disease-causing organisms, but this is just not true! We have countless types of GOOD bacteria in and on our body that help us prevent illness, reduce inflammation, promote healing and help us breakdown the foods we eat. When everything is going right, the good bacteria break our food down into parts that can be absorbed back into the body and used for vital bodily functions. This includes the energy to feed our cells, building blocks for new tissue and growth, and the materials to repair damage.

In our gut, we have a natural balance of good and bad bacteria. There are types of bad bacteria that give off harmful waste products when they break down food, they damage the protective lining of our gut, and allow substances to pass through our gut and into the bloodstream where they don’t belong. This is referred to as “leaky gut”. Leaky gut can lead to a long list of health problems such as inflammation, food allergies, autoimmune diseases and mood disorders. These bad bacteria thrive and multiply when we feed them with foods that are heavily processed (think of your foods that come in wrappers or from fast food restaurants), are high in sugar or have artificial flavors and colors in them. When the balance in our gut shifts to more bad bacteria than good, we start seeing symptoms like bloating, gassiness, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue,
headaches and mood changes.

Now let’s hear it for the good bacteria! Our healthy, happy bacteria can help us fight off infections from yeast, fungus and bad bacteria, reverse disease and reduce inflammation, they just need our help. Good bacteria need fiber to thrive and grow, so we need to feed them fresh fruits and vegetables (ideally organic to minimize exposure to harmful herbicides, pesticides and insecticides), whole grains and legumes, like beans and peanuts. They also respond well to healthy lifestyles, including regular physical activity, consistently sleeping well, drinking plenty of clean water and spending time outdoors. Antibiotics, though wonderful for curing harmful infections, will also kill the good bacteria in our gut.

So, what do we do when the balance of good vs. evil in our gut tips to the dark side? Probiotics! Simply put, probiotics are supplements containing healthy bacteria. Along with a healthy lifestyle and a diet rich in fiber, probiotics can be immensely helpful in restoring our good gut bacteria. Not every probiotic is created equal and different strains help the body in different circumstances. We are here to guide you through the nuances of choosing the right probiotic for your health needs.

1. Babies – 2 Years: Your baby may benefit from probiotics if they were born
cesarean, are formula fed, have been on antibiotics, or experience gassiness,
constipation or diarrhea.
a. Look for a probiotic that has at least 2 billion CFUs (colony forming units)
or higher. They should include lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species.
b. Refrigerate them!
c. Here are some high quality brands: Culturelle Infant Drops, SFI Ther-
Biotics Baby, Visbiome Infant Drops

2. Kids: Those who are struggling with regular bowel movements, abdominal pain,
gas, bloating or cramping, headaches or fatigue. Chewable and powder
formulations are going to be the most stable, and capsules work greater for older
a. Similarly to babies, a variety of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium species
are the most beneficial according to current evidence.
b. Recommended high quality brands: Hiya Probiotics (younger children),
Thorne FloraSport (athletes), SFI Ther-Biotic Kids, and Seed Kids.

Danielle Hannah, PA-C

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